Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (AD/HD) is an enduring condition that typically runs in families and is believed to be the result of an inherited brain difference. In the frontal areas of the brain responsible organization, attention, and focus, there appear to be deficiencies in certain important neuro-chemicals that allow the brain to effectively perform these important functions.

Many very intelligent and capable children and adults have AD/HD, but may not perform to their potential because of this brain difference. It is characterized by persistent symptoms of inattention alone or in combination with hyperactivity and impulsivity. Prevalence of this condition in the United States is reported to be between four and seven percent. The severity of these symptoms is known to significantly impair a person’s ability to function effectively at home, school, and in the workplace.

Without effective treatment, children and adolescents with ADHD are at greater risk to develop academic, behavioral, mood, and anxiety disorders, incur accidental injury, and struggle with substance abuse problems. Similarly, research has shown that when not systematically treated, adults identified with ADHD as children have histories of academic underachievement, lower than average grades, more behavior problems, a higher rate of retention, and fewer completed grades.

Diagnostic Services

  • Comprehensive diagnostic screening

    The comprehensive screening for AD/HD typically employs a clinical mental status evaluation interview, a psychosocial/developmental history evaluation, a review of academic performance, the administration of the Test of Variables of Attention (TOVA) computer-based continuous performance test, and completion by parents and teachers of standardized behavior rating scales such as the Conners or McCarney Attention Deficit Disorders Evaluation Scales.

  • Psychoeducational or neuropsychological testing

    The accurate diagnosis of AD/HD may require additional psychological testing that will also help to identify or rule out the existence of other learning and processing problems. This more comprehensive type of testing may also be required when applying for accommodations such as extended time on standardized testing like the SAT and ACT.


  • Counseling

    Counseling is one component of a multi-modal approach to the treatment of AD/HD, and can be very helpful for children and adults in understanding and coping with their condition. Children with AD/HD often feel different than their peers and are likely to get in trouble more than others. They may also have difficulty making and keeping friends. Counseling can help children (and adults) understand and better utilize their capabilities, find strategies to control their impulses and stay out of trouble, acquire methods to help with better school performance, and learn skills for better socialization.

  • Parent consultation

    Parents of AD/HD children are often overwhelmed by the demands of parenting a challenging, highly energetic, impulsive child who does not seem to learn from consequences. We can help you better understand your child's AD/HD, learn behavioral strategies that work, and evaluate whether a treatment approach is working. We can also help you communicate your child's needs to his/her school and get them met.

  • Neurofeedback

    Neurofeedback, also called EEG biofeedback is a non-medication treatment for AD/HD. Please visit our Neurofeedback Page for more information.

  • Medication

    Medication is one of the standard treatments for the symptoms of AD/HD. It is typically used in conjunction with the other methods described on this page. We can explain the medication approach, dispel the myths, help you understand the risks and benefits, and refer you to a child/adolescent psychiatrist, pediatrician, or other prescriber for consideration of medication treatment. We are glad to collaborate with current and potential medication prescribers.